Sunday, January 30, 2005

Commentary on Iraq Election

Three Wishes: Grace Mercy Peace

Media propaganda says the Iraquis election was a success, aprox 60% voted. But I say:


What an interesting way to attempt to 'legitimize' a decade of imposed abuse upon a nation (sanctions left Iraq starving, everything in short supply, especially food & medicine. It's estimated more than a million died as a result, many women and children), plus the slaughter of over 100,000 of it's people by pre-emptive war based on lies there were WMDs in Iraq (none ever found); which has also resulted in the additional deaths of nearly 1,500 young americans who've as much as been subtly coerced to join hands and jump over a cliff with others being martyr-dumb, as sacrifices to Law! That's over 1.1 M sacrificial deaths to Law.

Our law (killing) is better than their law (killing)? Not! According to the Bible this latter law<=law state (far more insanity: 26% of Americans, and serial killers: 76% of all such in America, than other nations) is "worse"! (2Peter 2:20; Mt 12:45; Mt 23:15). Such going BACK-ward to law is described as a dog returned to it's vomit or a washed sow to it's mire (2Pet 2:22).

My intent is not to accuse America nor to excuse myself from "we all are one". I am neither anti-America nor pro-Iraquis, but rather anti-Ignorance and pro-Awareness. I would that we all stop playing the blame game (which only inducts all in the hALL of shame) and started playing the awareness game (with all thy getting, get understanding). There is no respect of persons with God, none!

You can't exclude yourself from "we all are one", but you can realize there are two alls: "them all" and "us all" in the Bible, and the exhortation is: come out from among "them". For two alls is one too many alls, and God is one, of us, with us, for us, and hath given us the victory, hath not appointed us unto wrath(law). Not to mention it's "no escape" for them: 1Thes 5:3... who notably say Peace & Safety (Grace & Law), thinking there is safety in merciless "law worketh wrath" which recently gave such a big WAVE. Them (Adam in Gen 5:2) are the created of created/made, the imperfect of imperfect/perfect, and "as in Adam (in them) all die"; because in them is sin imputation, which is by law, which is a "mininstration of death", even to those who didn't sin: Rom 5:14. On the contrary in Christ (in us, in grace) there is no sin imputing law, hence no death by law, not even to those who did sin (law).

There are no winners in any such wars, for even the winners of such "sides" wars are losers of peace with God.
There are no sides in heaven, where God is eternally enthroned on a "throne of grace", only "mercy" obtainable.
His Grace does not compromise with law. Rather when grace and truth came by Jesus Christ, law got abolished.

Peace is not the result of war, but the absence of war.
He "is" our "peace", who hath "abolished" the "law".

The very notion that a country can hold a "democratic" election while it is occupied by a hostile power bent on imposing it's 'rule of law' on said country is profoundly cynical, even an insult to people everywhere worldwide.

And very the notion the "kingdom" of God is a 'democracy' like US is an insult to God & Son who are one, longsuffering to "us-ward" (not them-ward) so that none perish. It's notable Christ entered "heaven" to appear for "us" in the presence of God.

You-ward, Us-ward, God-ward are all directionally fwd, to you of ye/you, to us of them/us, to grace of law/grace, to mercy of sacrifice/mercy, to peace of war/peace, to life of death/life, in a kingdom of democracy/kingdom, which is located with-in "you", which notably begins "you all".

His grace is notably with you all, against none, so that none perish in the (no law) ending:

The "grace" of our Lord "Jesus Christ" with "you all". Amen.

Daniel Miles


At February 9, 2005 at 7:07 AM, Blogger Daniel Miles said...

Looking at the election under occupation in Vietnam, 38 yrs ago, we find there were more deaths after the election than before. Selah Americah.


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