Saturday, February 26, 2005

=>"mercy seatward"<=

Three Wishes: Grace Mercy Peace.

Re: =>"mercy seatward"<= Chat

Exodus speaks of a mercy seat. Example Ex 25:17-22; But 'last' verse of six (verse 22) has two I will(s), first one meeting you "above the ark" at mercy seat between the Cheribums having aface off, second one communing with you "from above the mercy seat"(perhaps from where there's no sides to take, nor 'twain' cover ups).

In looking closer at =>"mercy seatward"<= in Ex 37:9, I find suchmercy seat (above the ark, containing law things) is completelyCOVERED by BOTH Cheribums facing each other, the one on this sidefully covering it, the one on that side also fully covering it.In other places, such as the temple built by Solomon, it is alsonotes the wings of each Cheribum touch the opposite wall, and alsotouch each other in the midst; thereby 'twice overshadowing' mercy.

Hence there are 'two cover ups' to uncover to have mercy from theseat above the ark containing things of law. For if we remove onlyone of such cover ups, it still does not uncover mercy seated there,which is 'completely overshadowed by both Cheribums'.Hence in the sides war, 'even those on the right side still die' (asis noted: death reigned upon all, even on those who did not sin: Rom5:14)... the further dilemna of Rom 5:14b being Moses is the figure(mark of a blow) of him that was to come (very allegoric verse); Butthen further clarified "not as the offense", for by such (adblemindead one as Moses) "many died" (rather than none perish). Sothen it speaks of JC of Moses/JC in Jn 1:17, by which came grace andtruth instead of law and lie. Paul seems to always further clarify.So to have true mercy, mercy which is merciful (to all, sinceTHERE IS NO RESPECT OF PERSONS WITH GOD), we have to uncover bothsides, both cover ups of such a sides war, since both Cheribums areovershadowing mercy.

Hence law vs grace is still not merciful even if grace is considered right, since it still gives place to law (left),which is not the sort of grace that God "is" (that God is light, andin him there is no darkness at all), nor the sort of love God "is",which is "perfect" (Mt 5:48), which is also "merciful" (Lk 6:36).Merciful is uncovering both sides, to reveal divison is not unity.

When looking at the sides war, it usually speaks of the "Son of man",who is not only division-all in Mt 25, dividing sheep and goats rightand left, saying different things to each side like come and depart;But also revealed in Luke 17 is "when the Son of man is revealed(uncovered)", then it's DESTRUCTION for them all (all them vs them;right vs left) as noted in Lk 17: 27,29,30, NOT salvation for all.

So them looking for "like unto the Son of man" to return and savethem, well I'd suggest them all think again, and rise above the sideswar in (plural) heavens (higher than the earth) to heaven (higherthan the heavens) where there are no sides to even take. For therein"heaven" (where Christ notably appeared in the presence of Godfor "us"), the "God of all grace" is eternally enthroned on a "throneof grace" where only "mercy" is obtainable (Heb 4:16). Such ismerciful (perfect). Hence the exhortation of Heb 6:1 is to "leave"the (left/right) "principles" (both sides of such a sides war) and goon unto "perfection" => "Grace with you all. Amen." (Heb 13:25).

This concept would also apply to the "judment seat of Christ", whichnotably speaks of reward or punishment for those "good or bad";Whereas above such a Mosaic seat (Mt 23:1) there's no bad, only good.God saw (only) "good" x 6 from the get go of the shew in Gen 1. Fromday one there was "light" (not lights, nor light + darkness), just asGod said: let there be light. Hence we have resurrection on the firstof the week, not on the last of the week, so the whole week goes wellwith you all. But if the ascension be only the first of twain, toplural heavens, even to the right side of such, then Mondays arestill hell, Fridays are TGIF, mainly to blow off such a hellish workweek, then rest, and do it again. Such a merry go round seems to beendless, makes a person sick unto death if ridden it too long. Manysay they'll ride it only until retirement, but oft retire in a grave.

So, perhaps the rest of the biblical story is simply a shew, to shewthe only Potentate in his (plural) times, playing out both sides nowof such (with a plural or division-all God in the midst of such);Perhaps for all to see that even this God cannot be one by division;nor merciful by taking only one side of such sides.

Hence we findboth "finished" and "ended" in Gen 2, both meaning the same thing.Yet "finished" notably first, for them (the host of them) and theirplural heavens, and it takes place 'after the sixth day and prior tothe seventh day'. What follows, 'on the seventh day' (which is alsothe third day) is God ended blessed and sanctified, then God rested.Such seems to speak of a plural God in the midst of sides ending, andof blessed being the second and better sort of twain in Rom 4:7,8(from Ps 32:1,2), and of sanctified being a total house cleaning, notjust cleaning the more public outer court of such a cup of wrath.

Let us rise above the sides war, for it is now the third day,and Jesus Christ said God said (unto that Herodian fox): Behold1)this (I cast out devils),2)that (I do cures to day and to morrow),3)AND "the third [day] I shall be perfected".Of "three things" in 1Cor 13:13, "charity" is notably the "greatest"of such great greater greatest things;

Yet perhaps the "perfection"of charity (or the clarity of charity) is also given us in themystery of his will being made known unto us, as if being "charityout of a pure heart"; which is notably also the first part of "theend" of the (singular) commandment having both beginning and end:Love(God) one another, "as I have loved(Goded) you".Go figure: a singular (new) commandment, having both beginning andend, "the end" thereof, such twain, also notably being three things:
1) "charity out of pure heart" (wisdom from above firstly pure)
2) "a good conscience" (no bad conscience at all)
3) "faith unfeigned" (without hypocrisy)

And the "you all" in the end notably begins with "you".
(And what I say unto "you" I say unto "all": Mk 13:37)

The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.
Daniel Miles


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