Movies with a biblical (allegoric) message (moral)
(in repsonse to yer email invitation to submit movie morals)
Three Wishes: Grace Mercy Peace.
("three things" that make "one": white)
Re: Movies with the biblical (allegoric) message (moral):
"that God is light, and in him there is no darkness at all"
("the only wise God" man is neither foolish nor childish at all).
Intro: I'm probably the most 'Bible' studied person on the planet (100,000 hrs by 50) and have a "third day" ministry web site ( which is the www leader for The Revelation of St John The Divine & Global Reconciliation. Yet I'm not like Billy (goat) Graham whose son wants to have one global purse and use it to globe trot to and fro to see who he can devour, nor like Jack of the 'Impe' family who rattles off Bible verses like a rattle snake hoping to add fear(hath torment) to love(God), and even looks like he belongs in a wax museum, for what he says (Luke 21:8) waxeth sow old it's "ready to vanish": pls help him vanish(rapture): use yer remote; Nor like popish John-Paul II: yet "another" oxymoronic Johnny Law u-surping His Grace, like GWB II & his lying sacrifice-you-all "rule of law", again. The Bible flat out says: if any man, or even an angel, come to you with "another gospel" (imp-u-ting sin for the hell of it), "let him" (not you) "be" blessed + cursed = "accursed". Selah. Here's my take on movies with a 'biblical' message.
Merlin: the real magic (poof goes dragon) is at "the end"
My favorite movie with a biblical (allegoric) message (moral) is Merlin: the 1998/II TV movie starring Sam Neil. Tagline: the most magical adventure of all time. It may not have been a blockbuster, but it should be, for it reveals in tory what's written in a song: "I fought the law (evil) and the law won"... Merlin lost every battle with Queen Mabe (for law is not only the source of sin but also the strength of sin, uses your strength against you)... until they all (Camelot, which Merlin created) did "from such turn away" (2Timothy 3:5), stopped giving evil any place to exist, and only then did it all 'vanish'. Such is the best biblical summation in movie form I've seen. It portrays the biblical God shew (yes, it's only a shew) well, for "the end" may be God declared "from the beginning" ('let there be light": understanding), but it's not at the Mosaic beginning (where law is added to "grace is sufficient", thereby adding death to life and fear(hath torment) to love. In the end it's poof goes such Revelation 13 law<=law when all turn away from evil (law), let such Horeb-bull fade to nothing, much like the night glory of the moon and all the stars also do ("die daily"), at the coming of the "sun of righteousness". Rennaisance Man: especially the revelatory 'high tower' scene
The 1994 movie Rennaisance Man stars little Danny Devido. And therein he aptly reveals the "evil concupiscence" of law (Do-teronomy & Don't-eronomy) in the 'high tower' scene: tell somebody "Don't look down" and the first thing they do is look down (adding fear to love); for such evil concupiscence of law comes with a hidden curse, witch adds an 'overwhelming' desire to do the very thing forbidden. And sadly many ministers (of Satan: Mosaic law) still use it today to close their churchy services, saying now "don't" you go home and be monsters to your own families. My dad, upon hearing it, went home and became a monster to my 7 yr old granddaughter. She withstood him to the face, telling him he was wrong and mean. And when he rose up to strike her for unpardonable "blasphemy the Ghost", I stepped in and withstood him. The $ick Bull-y backed down. For it is written: resist the devil, and "he shall flee". Selah.
Home Alone: the boy reminds the elder a "man" shouldn't fear (God said: let us make man)
The first Home Alone movie (of three) starrring Maccaulay Culkin (as Kevin left home alone) has a wonderful first pure wisdom churchy-pew scene where the boy has to remind the elder that a "man" (who puts away childish things: 1Corinthians 13:11) ought not be "afraid"; For tormenting fear only hind-ers love from being what love is: fearless. Kevin, left home alone, has to become the "man" of the house, spoil the attempt of thieves who would only come to steal, thereby kill and destroy the love of the hse. The elder (older of twain) finally gets it: understanding, and together they become one new thing, which not only spoils the attempt of thieves, but also ends with the elder being reconciled unto his family: love made perfect, which is love void of fear, which is grace void of all law<=law. American President: crime bill won't prevent crime, but increase it; Sow: If it (law) is Crap, Flush it!
The 1995 American President (Andrew "Shepherd") movie stars Michael Douglas and others in a good love(God) story. The allegoric biblical moral of such, portrayed well as a God shew, is adding more law (the source of the problem) won't solve the problem nor make it "better", but only make it "worse" (Mt 12:45; Mt 23:15; 2Pet 2:20), like a second beast giving place and power to a first beast (Rev 13). In the end love (of God) triumphs over love (of money) when the President (Shepherd) tells the accusation-all opposer he "is" the President (Shepherd), not some wanna "be"; and he's scrapping the crime bill (flushing law in favor of grace, flushing fear in favor of love). More over he PLAINLY tells such a lie-ing & condemn-ing opposer he's not even in the same league as the woman (church) of the Good Shepherd; followed by the questioning media being silenced, all hasting to chanGe the (Shepherd's) message. It's movie with a moral GWB II oughta "give earnest heed"; For he's acting out the "worse" instead of the "better", the Accuser of brethren, instead of the Good (God) Shepherd, Who plainly said: don't even think I (grace) will accuse you, for such has already been done by Moses (law): John 5:45.
Ghandi: "the choice is non-violence or non-existence" ('as if' Jn 8:32 was optinon-all... Not!)
The l-o-n-g-suffering (to us-ward) 1982 Ghandi movie, starring (adult) Ben Kingsley in a diaper, portrays the same message as Shake-sphere does (the quest-i-on is to be or not to be); Whose work is as well studied as the 1600AD Holy Bible, since he was contemporary with Translators of the Bible, had the same royal favor of the King; Whose stated purpose for making a "good one" (combo of six) a "better" (7th) one was simply worldwide (globe-all)awareness: "to make God's holy truth the more known". Although Ghandi won multiple Oscars, I think Ghandi should have also won the Oscar for playing the fool, for such an Eastern lawyer in a diaper made one FATAL miss-take: he told unfair British law it could have his "dead" body, and it did, in public, for all to see giving any place or authority to such a "ministration of death" results in a 'violent' dead end. This Horeb-bull movie should have ended with this song: "I fought the law and the law won" and the biblical exhortation flushing the law ends better than fighting the law, as the Pauline holy kiss of life begins better than any dblemindead Mosaic kiss of death; For "greater" (grace) is here is better than a "great" terror-ist as Mosaic law.
Thank God the Holy Bible containing Old & New Testments doesn't have such a dead end, for where (where no law, there no transgression: Romans 4:15) and when (when no law, no sin imputed: Romans 5:13) "his angel" (Paul) plays the "last trump" it, it's "none perish" thereby, for it ("the end") has no mention of law at all, only mention of "grace" with "you all", which begins with "you", and therein "all" the KofG (safely) reside.
The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.
Cc - George W Bush II (
Cc - John-Paul II Vatican (
(since I do not talk about "such like" behind their backs)
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