Wednesday, December 21, 2005

If war: armour up; If peace: no armour req'd

Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Funny thing, about the writings of Paul The Apostle, is many still focus on the "warfare" and "fight" aspect thereof, on putting on the whole "armour" of God (allegorically JC). Even USA soldiers told leaders they needed more 'armour' plating on their gas gusling humvies, to 'quench' all the terror-ist bullets. Pst: mosaic law was a "great terror" to all Israel, which makes Moses a great terror-ist by his own admission (Dt 34:12).

Where people find 'law' or 'war' unto you from God or from the Lord Jesus Christ in Pauline epistles, which notably all begin with "grace" unto you from God and (thereby) "peace" unto you from Jesus Christ (grace and peace from "our Father" and "the Lord"), befuddles me. The "contrary part" is law & war. Law "worketh wrath", and war worketh "sacrifice"(slaughter). And by such earthy sensual devilish wisdom all suffer and many perish. But "wisdom from above" (grace unto you from God our Father) is "firstly pure": perhaps pure "grace".

Hello! ... is anyone there, or am I speaking into a vacuum?

What few focus on, about the writings of Paul The Apostle, is the fact "he is our peace" who hath "abolished the law". When focused on "peace", agreement with God, there is no need for any "armour" nor for any "mediator".

George W Bush: wants "sacrifice", "war", "rule of law", and he also wants the sacrifice(slaughter) to be globe-all.
John Lewis said: War does not end strife, it sows it. War does not end hatred, it feeds it. Those who say war is a necessary evil are half right, it's evil, but it's not necessary (which is to say my grace is sufficient = no law req'd).

Two parts are played in the allegoric Bible, each to obtain a prize: a crown of glory:
"Many" play "their part" - God is evil(law) spoken of... Law (corruptible crown of glory)
"Few" play "your part" - God is (grace)gloryfied... Grace (incorruptible crown of glory)
Pst - "(y(ou)r) part" to play notably begins with "you", ends with "our", as does "you all".

Broad Way (many take) - leadeth to "destruction"... by Law (via 'their' leader: Moses)
Narrow Way (few take) - leadeth unto "life" ... by Grace (via 'our' leader: Jesus Christ)

Rule of law? Obviously results in sacrifice: body bags.
Will of God? I will have mercy(grace), not sacrifice(law).

Bible Note: receiving the promise: eternal life, is notably via doing the will of God; thy will be done, on earth. All who put trust (belief, faith) in law 'perished'. They all got a good report, but DIED and "RECEIVED NOT" the promise. JC came to "do" the will of God, did it, received the promise.

God our Saviour uplifted Jesus Christ our Saviour to a place that is: "higher than the heavens" (notably above such left vs right warfare, such a sides war having side effects to both sides of such a blame game).

And "the end" of the God Shew is already written, so it's not a matter of how it turns out, but rather a matter of how well you play "your part", which is to make he on the "contrary part" ashamed, without shaming yourself. The Apostle Paul does it by opening and closing all epistles, his discussions to brethren all, with pure "grace".

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Daniel Miles
www leader for "go on unto perfection"


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