Monday, January 02, 2006

The "New" Apostolic Movement

Three Wishes: Grace + Mercy + Peace = One(White).
Feel free to peek at the word in (parenthesis), by high-light it.

There's a "new" apostolic movement. It seems also unaware both an old and new dirty dozen "apostles" were as a hung jury that couldn't agree on anything, such as whether the KofG is a democracy or "kingdom"; Since as biblically noted there's never concensus nor peace among "carnal" folk, only a "division"-all blame game. Not to mention these new apostles are also unaware if there's a "new and living way", then there's "also" a new and dead way to compare, until the seventh day gets "sanctified" of such Law Law by you all saying "Nay Nay" to "such like", who'd have one like the Son of man come, again, and destroy them all, again.

Not on my third watch!

Perhaps these "new" apostles and prophets who would be the warring leaders of the "new" apostolic movement haven't read in Ephesians 2 when ye were in "Christ Jesus" (the reverse of Jesus Christ) it's as if being "without Christ": "the end of the law"(had an expiry date)... "in him there is no sin" (POINT: no law = no sin = no death), and being "in them" is as being "in Adam" (Genesis 5), in witch "all die" (Rom 5:14; 1Cor 15) and notably "by the using of ordinances".
Somebody ought to tell these 'ministers of Satan(Law)' even rat poison has an expiry date. Not to mention tell "them" the greatest movement recorded in the bible is also in Eph 2, which notes JC "abolished the law", notably "from his flesh", and "we are his flesh" in Eph 5. Not to mention the Pauline author of Eph also notes the only foundation laid we should build anything on is "Jesus Christ", since the reverse of "Saviour" is "Destroyer", as "am I" the reverse of "I am", and CJ is mirrorly the reverse of JC.

So when Paul The Apostle as "his witness unto all men"(incl'g plural "apostles") gave carnal Corinthians a CJ vs JC test of faith they all failed, he warned them, told such childish-adults to grow the fuck up, get it right of left/right law/grace, instead of being sow dog gone law/law, such servant-ish and child-ish sorts, who need forgivness and repentance because they "know not" both scape-goats and dumb-sheep on left and right sides of a $illy law law sides war has negative side effects for all playing such a blame game get slaughtered and fleeced.

Not to mention he that is heir of all things differs nothing from a servant(slave) 'as l-o-n-g as he remains a child'; And not to mention that free-dom is "above a servant(slave)", so "be no more children" when adults, for Creator and Maker God, Who notably both "created" and "made" things imperfect and perfect, said: "let us make man", as if the "after" part of child/man is the better part of good/better, for some; but what's 'best' and for "all" is the third of good/better/best; as "greatest" of three things (great greater greatest) "never fails", but both broad & narrow ways have fail-u-ares. So it reasons there is a "more excellent way" that is also called "the new and living way", such as "charity" which is notably above erroneous spirit u all things like forgiving one another, because it's notably above law-imputing sin and death to all for the "hell" of it.

For "by the using of ordinances(laws) ALL PERISH".

Hello! Is anyone there, or am I speaking into a vacuum?

The end of the God Shew is already (Pauline) written.

The "grace" of our Lord "Jesus Christ" with you all. Amen.

Daniel Miles in Canadah, eh
founder of www.GodShew.Org
www leader of "the way a child should go"... "go on unto perfection"


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