Thursday, December 22, 2005

Test (Trying) of Your Faith

Three Wishes: Grace => Mercy => Peace = White.
(Pst - it takes all 3/3 of "above" to make 1.000 = White)

James chp 1 in the Holy Bible seems to leave no doubt there will be a "trying" (test) of your faith; Especially if your faith(trust) is in the law, which is "not of faith" (Galatians 3); and whatsoever is not of faith is sin (Romans 14); and without faith it is not possible to please God (His Grace), Who was never pleased with sacrifices for sin, which are "of the law" (Psalms 40; 51; Hebrews 10). So let us put our faith (trust) in His Grace and the truth thereof. For the law (and lie) was given by Moses, but grace and truth from God came by Jesus Christ.

As James also notes, the result will be falling, into divers temptations. So James also notes
temptation is neither Godly nor of God: God can neither be tempted nor tempteth anyone. The point being made is there are two sorts of faith, faith in law, and faith in grace; the former being as blind faith (since law demands blind obedience, and speaking against it is unpardonable), the latter being as seeing faith. Just prior to James we have Paul's epistle to the Hebrews, which speaks of faith then/now, and "now faith" is substance and evidence, which is notably some better thing God provided for us of them/us than blind faith in law.

Paul gave the Corinthians a CJ vs JC test, which they failed. So he warned them to stop bickering amongst themselves and start giving more earnest heed to what's been said in the allegoric scriptures that are written aforetime for our learning, and as a mystery to solve it time (since there is neither mystery nor time for it in eternity), even a triple mystery: "of God, and of the Father, and of Christ" in Colossians 2. In his writings Paul, as a faithful steward of the mysteries of God, uses both CJ and JC, but clarifies he is an apostle of JC, and also clarifies JC is the Saviour (the reverse would be Destroyer), and ends every epistle except Hebrews (a mini bible itself) with the grace of our Lord JC with you all. Amen. Even so, Hebrews ends with Grace with you all. Amen.

"Holiness with sobriety" is also a testing, to see if once converted to saving grace you'll stick with it, and never again take another drink of deadly law, such as "
another law" Paul mentions in Romans 7 worketh evil concupiscence and made him (Saul=>Paul) feel "wretched" when he did things he would not and did not do things he would do. The point being heaven does not want any cancer-us law cell entering such a heavenly body as Christ: the end of the law; for we all know it can and will kill the whole body, including the head of the body, if not completely removed in time. Not to mention a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. So, heaven wants to know for certain you are truly free of cancer-us law, by know the truth about the law: it's faulty, unfair, fault-finding, sin and death imputing, a liar, thief, accuser of the brethren, a ministration of condemnation & death.

So, there will be a test, and perhaps Revelation is not only a worse case scenario to a void (by voiding law), but also allegorically written as a
final exam of the Holy Bible with all previous books written as pre-requisite. And perhaps the pass mark for the final exam is 100%, since "a little leaven (law) leaveneth (killeth) the whole lump".

Even so,
the end is already written, and it notably has no mention at all of law: sin and death to any, rather only mention that the (saving and life giving) "grace" of our Lord "Jesus Christ" is with you all (against none of you).

So then it's not a matter of how the God Shew turns out, but rather a matter of how well you play y(our) part in such a God
shew, shewdown thereof, of such law vs grace, also biblically called "their part" vs "your part":

- "their part": God is evil(law) spoken of... to obtain a prize, a corruptible crown: law (played by "many")
- "your part": God is (grace)glory-fied... to obtain a prize, an incorruptible crown: grace (played by "few")

For a "few" good(God) men should be able to withstand many to the face, make them ashamed, by using sound speech that cannot be condemned(lawed) nor
evil(law) spoken of, and without making yourself ashamed. The way to do it, is to use the Pauline Epistle format: open and close your discussion with pure grace, and remember we are brethren all, even if some are ignorant, deceived, bewitched, fallen from grace, taken in a fault.

Perhaps all the KoG is within you, all who've failed, died, received not the promise (eternal life) are within you, life or death of all such depends on you passing the test, especially standing before the
Son of man, who'd come, again, to destroy them all, again (Lk 17). Simply say Nay, Nay to such Law Law.

May you play your part well, pass all tests, by
flush law rather than fight law; for law is not only the source of sin (Rom 5:13) and death to all (Rom 5:14), but the "strength of sin" ("strong man" of the hse of sin to first bind to spoil the hse of sin and death sting thereof), a deadly "sting". Remember all the KofG within you is counting on you to get them all safely home to heaven where it's always grace us, and never legalistic.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
with you all. Amen.

Daniel Miles
www leader for
charity never fails (a test)


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