Religious Blinders Hinder Truth Out
Three Wishes: Grace Mercy Peace.
Upon reading the novel: Total Control, which is generally about those having love of money as their root wanting to have 'total control', even control the world via computers and the www of the internet, at any cost... Upon reading such novel ignorance I could not help notice the FBI agent (who played the heroic fool and Santa Clause at the end) believed his blind trust in and devotion to law, enforcement thereof, would actually make a better and safer world for his wife and children he supposedly loved. Evidently not; In fact just the opposite. His blind trust and devotion to law, enforcement of what even knew was faulty, drove a wedge of enmity between him and his family, ending with a cost everything divorce and estrangment of his children, not to mention a shit load of sleepless frustration and health problems to himself for trying to play law catch up, but never gaining ground.
It seems not a day goes by I do not find ever more evidence of how destructive rule of law, law making, law ministering, law enforcing, and law abiding folk wearing religious blinders can be to themselves, their familes, even the whole world (a stone thrown in a pond ripples to every shore, a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump).
Mosaic "law worketh wrath" is destructive to the whole world, the world which has biblically not been under the law (it got "abolished" for being "enmity": Eph 2) for nearly 2,000 years. Yet it seems if any give place to it, and "many" do, then it has place to be a murder us lying thief which cometh not, but for to steal, kill, and destroy.
The whole world is not under law, but under grace: Romans 6:14; Galatians 5:18, and the freeing truth (about the law) thereof His grace: John 8:32, said grace and truth which came by Jesus Christ: John 1:17. The Bible flat out says "we are delivered from the law": Romans 7:6, from the sin which law imputes (law imputes sin: Rom 5:13) and the death which sin brings forth (sin brings forth death: Jam 1:15). For "whatsoever is not of faith is sin": Rom 14:23, and "the law is not of faith": Gal 3:11. You won't likely hear that truth from ministers of Satan, not from religious or political ministers of devilish law, who have a vested interest in the law, called "love of money".
Biblically law was never given to Gentiles, and also had an expiry date for the Jews it was given to by Moses. So even for Jews "the fulness of the time" for law ended long ago, as did part I (Old Testament) of the two part biblical shew being played out on all the worlds a stage, a shew purposed to "shew the only Potentate" is grace by comparing law and grace as lie and truth, death and life, torment and peace. The old part of such old/new, the BC of BC/AD, is now what is accounted 'worldwide' as the 'bwd' part of <=BC/AD=>. For when the expiry date for law came, the fulness of the time for the childish part of child/man (1Cor 13); Well then my Bible says that is when God sent His Son (with grace and truth), as part II of the shew: the New Testament. As light dispells darkness, understanding dispells ignorance, so truth (about law) is meant to dispell the lie of law.
Yet who will hear the truth about the law? Who will even dare acknowledge their precious law, law making, ministering of law, law enforcing, law abiding, is faulty, unfair, unjust, partial, enmity, wrathful, fearful and tormenting to all if any do it, give place to merciless law instead of merciful grace, to lie instead of truth. God is merciful. God cannot lie. The evidence is overwhelming and irrefutible. Yet those involved with gathering of evidence most oft, law enforcement folk, seem to miss it completely, due to wearing their religious blinders.
Because Jews were given law, the grace and truth which came by Jesus Christ, the gospel of Christ: "the end of the law", is firstly unto Jews; And especially because they who were under law at Sinai well said of such accusation-all, such condem-nation-all law, that it should not be spoken to them any more: Heb 12; Deut 5; 18.
Problem is, those who sat in Moses' seat: law, those Pharisees called fools, hypocrites, vipers, and blind guides collectively called child of hell in Mt 23; Well they compassed land and sea to make one proselyte, and when such a one was made proselyte, it became even "more the child of hell", more the child, more the fool, more the hypocrite, more the viper, more the blind guide. Such not only describes the United States of America, still desperately trying to enforce rule of law; but sadly it also describes all Gentiles and nations who now want to be under rule of law, thinking such a destructive accusational and condemning ministration of death is safe. Go figure.
It says to beware "the leaven" (the law) of the Pharisees, not beware the Pharisees.
Yet for clarity, it also says of such like who won't hear truth: "from such turn away".
Come out from among them, and be separate, different. Out of Church Christians?
Christians fed up with lies and hypocrisy of law are coming out, and by the millions.
Those who say Peace & Safety (allegory: Grace & Law), safety in law abiding; well destruction comes upon "them": 1Thess 5:3, not upon "us": 1Thess 5:9; a good reason to convert from them to us, Adam to Christ (in him is no sin). Yet no matter, it's only a shew, and none shall perish in the end having no mention of law at all, for the biblical shew has a happy end for you all (which notably begins with you and applies to all the kofG within you) that is already written, and even written to the Hebrews: "Grace with you all. Amen".
And within the shew it also reveals both gospels, this gospel and that gospel, law and grace, will both go global, and as if the beginning and the end of global sorrows. Well, it seems the Billy (goat) Graham folk claim they have already gone global with this gospel, and we've seen what such produced: global sorrows, religious wars, and the death of about six billion people, the evident result of such grace + law being as life + death = a dead end. What follows, and also much more abounds globally is that gospel, for also that, also His grace and truth(about law) shall be told wheresoever this gospel (of law) is preached worldwide.
Religious blinders hinder truth out about the law. I mean if Moses, law thereof, was a great "terror" to all Israel, as noted by Moses himself about himself in Duet 34:12; Well then it seems obvious (to me) that Moses was a terror-ist who even terror-ized himself to the point of exceedingly fear and quake. Furthermore, if law is the source and strength of sin, fighting terror-ism (Mosaic law being the source of terror) with rule of law (the source and strength of sin), is like unto pouring gasoline on an already raging hell fire. Any evidence? Iraq!
Yet let us remember "charity never faileth", but whether prophecies, they shall fail: 1Cor 13.
Thank God, who sent his Son with grace and truth, that his angel gets to play the last trump it:
The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.
Daniel Miles in Canadah,
for the love of God, eh.