His Grace don't walk the end "run"
Three Fast Fwd Wishes: Grace => Mercy => Peace.
As To The Hebrews is written as a mini bible itself having "the same" Author-ity and "the same"(JC) end as Revelation;
And as it seems we're now past Revelation 13's law<=law of two revelationary beasts rising up out of Mt 23's twofold compassed land and sea "also" mentioned in Rev 13;
It reasons that in Hebrews it's now (2006th of the "third day" is "also" the seventh day perhaps a twainy-easter-sabbath the Son of man (one of two parts played by "Jesus" in John 5 has two resurrections) is "Lord Also" of, making one two many Lords in Revelation occurs of the Sabbath)... Now perhaps an asap end "run" along "with patience" (Heb 12:1) unto the "perfection" of Heb 13:25 mentioned that we ought to go on unto iff God permit, by leave the law<=>law "principles" in Heb 6:1. Which is allegory-ic for going on from spiritual child to man of child/man in 1Cor 13, "be no more children" in Eph 4, in the howbeit after-ward (of before/after scenarios) of Rom 5 & 1Cor 15.
So then it reasons that it's no longer a grace walk, but rather a grace "run" now;
And perhaps to turn the Global Tides coming in from the destructive BIG wave from "LAW worketh wrath" Tsunami Xmas sort via Gloom-y Prophecy to the constructive edify=>exhort=>comfort sort via Groom-ye Prophesy.
Prophecy vs Prophesy unto all men, whom God our Saviour will have both saved "and" aware, which takes both grace and truth, came by "Jesus Christ" (not "Christ Jesus" is mirrorly reverse, as Destroyer is reverse of Saviour).
Gloom vs Groom such like with awareness about saved + destroyed after a bad end;
like Construction + Destruction vs Construction (Only) on the right foundation.
And since the end run is a "short work" to get from Heb 12:1 to Heb 13:25, which speaks of perfecting those sanctified in Heb 10, which also notes that God never took any pleasure at all in any sacrifice, which is "of the law";
And since God did three things on the seventh day: God ended blessed and sanctified prior to God rested; And since the "third day" in John 1 & 2:1 also the seventh day when counting days (let him that hath understanding count: Rev 13); And since love(God) perfected only a "verily" thing in 1Jn 2, instead of "verily verily" in John;
And since many are now 2006th of "third day" feeling "we also" are Heb 12:1 "compassed about" by 2Pet2:22's sow-dog-gone much Mt 23 law=>law (latter end worse) from "child of hell(law)" folk and Rev 13 law<=law (worse thing come upon you after healed) from "more the child of hell" folk; As if our thereby twofold adversary "the devil and Satan" is "again": "more subtle than any beast" of the field(world) and is again doing the law<=>law walk about the earth, again seeking whom such a roaring lion of jew-dah may "devour" with such law law love in Mt 22 & Rom 8, the second (another law in Rom 7) notably being like unto the first (law: sin & death)...
And since there are 4 Night Mares, but only 3 Woes to such horses in Revelation; And since the Rider of the 4th is named: "death". Perhaps we all are one should consider hitting the skip it button for the latter end worse of Rev 14-21, get to "the end" thereof asap. Who wants to watch such sick-o stuff as brethren getting tormented and demised, not to mention 1/3 of green things destroyed ww? Not me!
Well then, it seems we're now in the "short" end run part of awareness the "work" that got first "finished" the human "race" in John 17 (not John 19) gives "no place" to the second "finished" (called "place" in a horse race) because as James 1:15 says sin, when "it is finished", brings forth death; And perhaps it's the "no escape" sort in 1Thes 5:3 for "them" who "they say" "Peace and Safety" in Grace and Law worketh wrath... NOT! kinda like Lk 17 notes merciless Son of man has but one 'side effect': ("no escape")"destruction" in store, "again", for both the scape-goats and dumb-sheep on left and right sides of two sorts of children and servants differ nothing, playing the blame game, going on and on with such judment-all-atonement -vs- ran-some-redemption, both being Hatfield vs McCoy folk who'd both rather pay the piper piping LOUDLY instead of "be reconciled unto God" could become their enemy if it's noted "the devil(law) and Satan(has ministers disguised as ministers of righteousness everywhere)" is notably more subtle than any beast (of two mentioned).
And notably it's the adversary witch does the "walk" about, us who do the end "run" to "us-ward" having no "them" at all, lest "by the u-sing of ordinances all perish" as did all such like in Heb 7:23 were not allowed to continue (the race) by reason of death, and again in Heb 11: these all "died" and "received not the promise".
So, let's "run" the race set before us, and run to obtain the incorruptible crown of two crowns mentioned in 1Cor 15 of two parts played: "their part" vs "your part"; Your part being to make him of the "contrary part"(imperfect part of imperfect/perfect parts, law of law/grace) ashamed without also making yourself ashamed, while doint the end run along with patience knows charity never faileth a race nor a test like the final exam-ination of Revelationary shewdown Johnny Law vs His Grace, one winner take all in the end is already written, but getting there alive is a matter of His Grace don't walk the end "run" along "with patience" unto the "perfection" noted in both "the end" of Hebrews and Revelation written by Paul:
The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ WITH YOU ALL. AMEN.
Daniel Miles in Canadah, eh
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