4 Night Mares, but only 3 Woes in Revelation
Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Well, being it's 2006th yr of the "third day" is also the seventh when counting the days in John 1 & 2:1 (let him that hath understanding count)...
And being the last millennium was not just the past one, with two false/true ends, Y2K being the false one of twain which failed as they sayers do fail to continue by reason of death because it's written their fear mongering prophecies shall fail and "their end shall be according to their works": grace + law = life + death = dead end...
And being the 3 1/2 yr countdown prior to the last millennium makes it now too late in the 2006th yr of the third day for all the pre-mid-post rapture theories...
And wherefore seeing we also are "compassed about" with Mt 23 law=>law from those sitting in Moses' seat compassing land and sea, and with Rev 13 law<=law from "more the child of hell" made proselyte by such they should've turned away from (like Merlin and all the kingdom did in Merlin movie to have restore-nation), to the point two Rev 13 beasts have again risen out of land and sea, but mirrorly in reverse, to the point it's now law<=>law going to<=>fro via both "the devil and Satan" has political and religious ministers everywhere disguised as ministers of righteousness(grace), but are ministers of lefteousness(law)...
Well then, it's obviously now an end "run" along "with patience" unto the perfection told go on unto, noted in both Hebrews 13:25 and Revelation 22:21; notably "Grace with you all. Amen"; more specifically "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen." perhaps denoting the grace => law of "Christ => Jesus" reverse leadeth bwd to "Jesus", death thereof, whereas the law => grace of "Jesus Christ" leadeth fwd to "Christ", life thereof...
Another problem via "another law" and besetting "evil concupiscence" thereof is, there's 4 Night Mares of the Daniel gloom and doom sort of "night" visions going forth in Revelation, but only 3 Woes to such horses; Not to mention the rider of the 4th is named: "death", being the notably "sting" of law-imputed-sin in 1Cor 15:56. But the "bewitched" churches won't even say "Yea Yea" to both Grace & Truth came by "Jesus Christ" for both global salvation and global awareness, let alone say "Nay Nay" to both the 4th Rider and the Horse it rode in on. Nor do they get Disturbed enough to SHOUT SHOUT, these: WITHOUT PARTIALITY & WITHOUT HYPOCRISY are the James 3:17 things I can do without, being sow dog gone law-law'd to sleep of death ok with them of them/us...
Not to mention the "be" attitude many deceived by manny miss is "be ye reconciled unto God", is above & beyond both judgment-all-atonement and ran-some-redemption; Not giving more earnest heed "pure religion" paid a "visit", not a troll toll ransom, also both arrived "undefiled" and remained "unspotted" in such come and go "visitation" unto all those afflicted with a bad case of blessed + cursed is as life + death...
Mean-while the BIG meltdown goes on and on due to such law law going on and on...
Till we learn (since scriptures were notably written aforetime for our "learning") that adding "law worketh wrath" to "grace is sufficient" is as udder folly of silly women taken captive by the weight they carry on the end run which so easily besets.
Some body of Christ person tell the bewitched National Council of Churches we are not the body of Jesus, but the body of Christ; And peace: with God: is "through Jesus Christ": "the end of the law" not only worketh wrath (which God hath not appointed us unto) but is also a "ministration of death" (which God cannot lie nor die will not have because His Grace cannot law). Also tell "them" there is no "them"(Gen 5; in "Adam" all die: 1Cor 15) at all in just us, grace us, or "us-ward"; nor any death in "the living God of the living"; nor any law in "the God of all grace"; nor any ignorance in "ye shall know". Also tell the author of Grace Walk (Steve McVey) it's a Grace "Run" in Hebrews 12:1 of such a mini bible. Also tell him what Stephen saw (Jesus standing right rather than Christ seated right) got such like both cast out and stoned to death for being sow(2pet 2:22) law<=law in the Age of Grace.
Pst - of two mentions of "finished" in "verily verily" John John, the first "finished" the human "race" gave no "place" to second "finished" (called 'place' in any horse race); And the charitable exhortation of Paul The Apostle as "his witness unto all men" is "neither give place to the d-evil(law)".
No matter, charity never faileth, but even Revelation prophecies shall fail. And the (none perish) end of the biblical allegoric shew is already written for our learning:
The GRACE of our Lord Jesus=>Christ WITH YOU=>ALL. AMEN.
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