Thursday, April 07, 2005

Legacy of John-Paul was Lawed-Grace

Three Wishes: Grace Mercy Peace.

The Pope is dead. Evidently such a second oxymoronic
John-Paul II (Lawed-Grace II) also had an end "according to his works" (as
prophetically noted by Paul The Apostle in 2Cor 11:15 about ministers of satanic
law): mercy + sacrifice is as grace + law is as life + death is a dead end. Such
makes it ever more "evident" (from all the biblical and historical evidence)
that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God. For the legacy of the
latter John-Paul is he was a man of unbending laws.

Pope (quote): "The long tradition of sacrifice must continue in the third
millennium" (1999)

God & Son (quote): "I will have mercy, and not sacrifice" (Hosea 6:6;
Matthew 9:13)

No doubt the pope no more agreed with God & Son than John
agrees with Paul, which is why I say John-Paul is oxymoronic Lawed-Grace.

John - if we say we have no sin (no law; law imputes sin: Rom 5:13)

we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us, and we make him (JC) a liar.

Paul - let God be true and every man a liar. As God is above imputing sin
for the hell of it, so also charity is above forgiving one another. Law imputes
sin, which not only makes sinners all, none righteous, but being both the source
of sin and the strength of sin, law has a deadly sting, is a ministration of
death to all if any go there. Hence the only plausible escape, and notably by
giving more earnest heed to what's been said, is for "we all are one" to abolish
all law, whether written in stone or in ink.

John, like a dog returned to his vomit: law, is allegorically satired
by Paul, who flushed his law as dung, in Revelation, which Paul (not John) is
the author of, for the end of it (and the Holy Bible) has his Pauline
salutation (by his own hand) as the living end where none perish (where no law,
no dead end); as if playing the last trump it (all grace and no law at all, not
even any mention of _ _ _):

The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Daniel Miles

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Pope: had dead end, "according to his works"

Three Wishes: Grace Mercy Peace.

Grace unto you, and peace,

from God our Father and the Lord Jesus

The pope is dead, had a dead end "according to his works":

mercy + sacrifice = grace + law = life + death = dead end

Neither God, nor Son of God, nor Holy Bible, have a dead end.

Pope quote: "the long tradition of sacrifice must continue in the third
millennium". God Quote: "I will have mercy, and not sacrifice". Son of God
Quote: "Lo, I come to do thy will O God".

That Jesus Christ is come, to do the will of that God, "the God of all grace".

And such a singular work (do will of God) notably got "finished" before the
cross (Jn 17), thereby enabled His grace (in the flesh) to go through the cross
to "risen" and "seated" at the "right" hand of God, as if grace of grace or law
("either make the tree good or evil") being what is right with God, and seated
denoting the grace or law (life or death) matter is settled in the realm of the
them vs them sides war of left/right things in the heavens (higher than the
earth). And His grace went on, unto perfection (all grace and no law at all
being all mercy and no sacrifice at all being as perfect as God our Father is in
heaven: Lk 6:36 & Mt 5:48), via Christ (of Jesus Christ) entering heaven
(higher than the heavens) and appearing in the presence of God for

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all.

Daniel Miles:

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Love fails. Charity never faileth.

Three Wishes: Grace Mercy Peace.

Grace unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ... In keeping with having fellowship with the absolute in heaven, higher than the heavens, which are higher than the earth, and having an exchange of experience and thought therewith such absolute, I'm working on a new webpage about the Pauline clarity of the biblical word "charity"... Title: Charity: Pauline Clarity of Charity - Description: Biblical charity never faileth. Love, even the 'agape' sort of twain loves(filio/agape) God is, often fails many; But "charity", being the "greatest" of "three things", never fails any... Text Intro: I've learned, from more study of the Holy Bible (the seventh Bible, a good one made better) than most peers, we ought not loosely translate Bible words... not say show, when Holy Bible says "shew"; nor say you, when Holy Bible says"ye"; nor say love, when Holy Bible says "charity"... For such tends to the sort of knowledge which "puffeth up", is accounted as "nothing" without charity, and notably "shall vanish"... For by such perversions in many Bible versions, akin to a perverted gospel many movie script writers create by 'taking license' (examples: Noah's Ark, Passion of Christ)... by such loosely translated perversions of the Holy Bible many do not learn the allegoric lessons (morals) of the Holy Bible, nor get it: "understanding", the awareness and enlightenment obtainable by using the most appropriate word of several options, such as the Holy Bible's use of "charity" instead of "love" for 'agape'... Text: Pauline clarity of charity begins in 1Cor 8, firstly noting therein "charity edifies"... Edification being the condition of being spiritually enlightened by being built up, grown up, via line upon line and precept upon precept; But firstly establishing the proper foundation laid: Jesus Christ (not Christ Jesus, which is mirrorly the reverse), and then building (up from the foundation) thereon the Christ of Jesus Christ, the Christ being the perfect man in Eph 4... Yet not stopping at, nor stunting growth with only Christ: the end of the law for righteousness; But going on unto perfection, growing up unto the "fulness of Christ": all grace and no law at all... as if the greatest of three things, as charity is notably also the greatest of three things... Law, of Grace + Law, was great (was, but is not) ... Grace, of Law or Grace, is greater (a "greater" than Solomon or Jonah is here; by whom came grace and truth about the law)... All grace and no law at all: greatest (the greatest is yet to come)... Anyone got any thoughts on the subject? ... The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.