Legacy of John-Paul was Lawed-Grace
Three Wishes: Grace Mercy Peace.
The Pope is dead. Evidently such a second oxymoronic
John-Paul II (Lawed-Grace II) also had an end "according to his works" (as
prophetically noted by Paul The Apostle in 2Cor 11:15 about ministers of satanic
law): mercy + sacrifice is as grace + law is as life + death is a dead end. Such
makes it ever more "evident" (from all the biblical and historical evidence)
that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God. For the legacy of the
latter John-Paul is he was a man of unbending laws.
Pope (quote): "The long tradition of sacrifice must continue in the third
millennium" (1999)
God & Son (quote): "I will have mercy, and not sacrifice" (Hosea 6:6;
Matthew 9:13)
No doubt the pope no more agreed with God & Son than John
agrees with Paul, which is why I say John-Paul is oxymoronic Lawed-Grace.
John - if we say we have no sin (no law; law imputes sin: Rom 5:13)
we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us, and we make him (JC) a liar.
Paul - let God be true and every man a liar. As God is above imputing sin
for the hell of it, so also charity is above forgiving one another. Law imputes
sin, which not only makes sinners all, none righteous, but being both the source
of sin and the strength of sin, law has a deadly sting, is a ministration of
death to all if any go there. Hence the only plausible escape, and notably by
giving more earnest heed to what's been said, is for "we all are one" to abolish
all law, whether written in stone or in ink.
John, like a dog returned to his vomit: law, is allegorically satired
by Paul, who flushed his law as dung, in Revelation, which Paul (not John) is
the author of, for the end of it (and the Holy Bible) has his Pauline
salutation (by his own hand) as the living end where none perish (where no law,
no dead end); as if playing the last trump it (all grace and no law at all, not
even any mention of _ _ _):