Believing The Lies vs Knowing The Truth
Grace (not law) unto you, and peace (not division),
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus --> Christ.
Many people still seem to be hung up on believing, when the Bible flat out says "devils believe"; So if you believe, you do about as well as devils do.
The over-all objective of the Bible is NOT to believe;
Rather the over-all biblical objective is to "KNOW".
Believers: "believe"-ing can get you into all sorts of trouble.
Know-ing the truth makes YOU free of believe-ing the lies(laws).
Eg: Believe-ing the G.W. Bush lies got America into war in Iraq.
Sadly, the believers make war on the non-believers;
And there are no winners at all in such sides wars.
Sadly, it's believers who make sides and take a side.
Such like is NOT unity NOR ww reconciliation unto God,
but rather it's childish: division-all & ww alienation.
Sadly, believers still law impute sin for the "hell" of it,
not knowing law imputed sin also imputes death to them all.
Knowers do not law impute sin and death unto anyone,
for if we all are one, and one dies, it's extinction.
- By Law: all perish
- By Grace: none perish
The grace(only) of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.