Saturday, February 26, 2005

Movies with a biblical (allegoric) message (moral)

(in repsonse to yer email invitation to submit movie morals)

Three Wishes: Grace Mercy Peace.
("three things" that make "one": white)

Re: Movies with the biblical (allegoric) message (moral):
"that God is light, and in him there is no darkness at all"
("the only wise God" man is neither foolish nor childish at all).

Intro: I'm probably the most 'Bible' studied person on the planet (100,000 hrs by 50) and have a "third day" ministry web site ( which is the www leader for The Revelation of St John The Divine & Global Reconciliation. Yet I'm not like Billy (goat) Graham whose son wants to have one global purse and use it to globe trot to and fro to see who he can devour, nor like Jack of the 'Impe' family who rattles off Bible verses like a rattle snake hoping to add fear(hath torment) to love(God), and even looks like he belongs in a wax museum, for what he says (Luke 21:8) waxeth sow old it's "ready to vanish": pls help him vanish(rapture): use yer remote; Nor like popish John-Paul II: yet "another" oxymoronic Johnny Law u-surping His Grace, like GWB II & his lying sacrifice-you-all "rule of law", again. The Bible flat out says: if any man, or even an angel, come to you with "another gospel" (imp-u-ting sin for the hell of it), "let him" (not you) "be" blessed + cursed = "accursed". Selah. Here's my take on movies with a 'biblical' message.

Merlin: the real magic (poof goes dragon) is at "the end"
My favorite movie with a biblical (allegoric) message (moral) is Merlin: the 1998/II TV movie starring Sam Neil. Tagline: the most magical adventure of all time. It may not have been a blockbuster, but it should be, for it reveals in tory what's written in a song: "I fought the law (evil) and the law won"... Merlin lost every battle with Queen Mabe (for law is not only the source of sin but also the strength of sin, uses your strength against you)... until they all (Camelot, which Merlin created) did "from such turn away" (2Timothy 3:5), stopped giving evil any place to exist, and only then did it all 'vanish'. Such is the best biblical summation in movie form I've seen. It portrays the biblical God shew (yes, it's only a shew) well, for "the end" may be God declared "from the beginning" ('let there be light": understanding), but it's not at the Mosaic beginning (where law is added to "grace is sufficient", thereby adding death to life and fear(hath torment) to love. In the end it's poof goes such Revelation 13 law<=law when all turn away from evil (law), let such Horeb-bull fade to nothing, much like the night glory of the moon and all the stars also do ("die daily"), at the coming of the "sun of righteousness". Rennaisance Man: especially the revelatory 'high tower' scene
The 1994 movie Rennaisance Man stars little Danny Devido. And therein he aptly reveals the "evil concupiscence" of law (Do-teronomy & Don't-eronomy) in the 'high tower' scene: tell somebody "Don't look down" and the first thing they do is look down (adding fear to love); for such evil concupiscence of law comes with a hidden curse, witch adds an 'overwhelming' desire to do the very thing forbidden. And sadly many ministers (of Satan: Mosaic law) still use it today to close their churchy services, saying now "don't" you go home and be monsters to your own families. My dad, upon hearing it, went home and became a monster to my 7 yr old granddaughter. She withstood him to the face, telling him he was wrong and mean. And when he rose up to strike her for unpardonable "blasphemy the Ghost", I stepped in and withstood him. The $ick Bull-y backed down. For it is written: resist the devil, and "he shall flee". Selah.

Home Alone: the boy reminds the elder a "man" shouldn't fear (God said: let us make man)
The first Home Alone movie (of three) starrring Maccaulay Culkin (as Kevin left home alone) has a wonderful first pure wisdom churchy-pew scene where the boy has to remind the elder that a "man" (who puts away childish things: 1Corinthians 13:11) ought not be "afraid"; For tormenting fear only hind-ers love from being what love is: fearless. Kevin, left home alone, has to become the "man" of the house, spoil the attempt of thieves who would only come to steal, thereby kill and destroy the love of the hse. The elder (older of twain) finally gets it: understanding, and together they become one new thing, which not only spoils the attempt of thieves, but also ends with the elder being reconciled unto his family: love made perfect, which is love void of fear, which is grace void of all law<=law. American President: crime bill won't prevent crime, but increase it; Sow: If it (law) is Crap, Flush it!
The 1995 American President (Andrew "Shepherd") movie stars Michael Douglas and others in a good love(God) story. The allegoric biblical moral of such, portrayed well as a God shew, is adding more law (the source of the problem) won't solve the problem nor make it "better", but only make it "worse" (Mt 12:45; Mt 23:15; 2Pet 2:20), like a second beast giving place and power to a first beast (Rev 13). In the end love (of God) triumphs over love (of money) when the President (Shepherd) tells the accusation-all opposer he "is" the President (Shepherd), not some wanna "be"; and he's scrapping the crime bill (flushing law in favor of grace, flushing fear in favor of love). More over he PLAINLY tells such a lie-ing & condemn-ing opposer he's not even in the same league as the woman (church) of the Good Shepherd; followed by the questioning media being silenced, all hasting to chanGe the (Shepherd's) message. It's movie with a moral GWB II oughta "give earnest heed"; For he's acting out the "worse" instead of the "better", the Accuser of brethren, instead of the Good (God) Shepherd, Who plainly said: don't even think I (grace) will accuse you, for such has already been done by Moses (law): John 5:45.

Ghandi: "the choice is non-violence or non-existence" ('as if' Jn 8:32 was optinon-all... Not!)
The l-o-n-g-suffering (to us-ward) 1982 Ghandi movie, starring (adult) Ben Kingsley in a diaper, portrays the same message as Shake-sphere does (the quest-i-on is to be or not to be); Whose work is as well studied as the 1600AD Holy Bible, since he was contemporary with Translators of the Bible, had the same royal favor of the King; Whose stated purpose for making a "good one" (combo of six) a "better" (7th) one was simply worldwide (globe-all)awareness: "to make God's holy truth the more known". Although Ghandi won multiple Oscars, I think Ghandi should have also won the Oscar for playing the fool, for such an Eastern lawyer in a diaper made one FATAL miss-take: he told unfair British law it could have his "dead" body, and it did, in public, for all to see giving any place or authority to such a "ministration of death" results in a 'violent' dead end. This Horeb-bull movie should have ended with this song: "I fought the law and the law won" and the biblical exhortation flushing the law ends better than fighting the law, as the Pauline holy kiss of life begins better than any dblemindead Mosaic kiss of death; For "greater" (grace) is here is better than a "great" terror-ist as Mosaic law.

Thank God the Holy Bible containing Old & New Testments doesn't have such a dead end, for where (where no law, there no transgression: Romans 4:15) and when (when no law, no sin imputed: Romans 5:13) "his angel" (Paul) plays the "last trump" it, it's "none perish" thereby, for it ("the end") has no mention of law at all, only mention of "grace" with "you all", which begins with "you", and therein "all" the KofG (safely) reside.

The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.
Cc - George W Bush II (
Cc - John-Paul II Vatican (
(since I do not talk about "such like" behind their backs)

=>"mercy seatward"<=

Three Wishes: Grace Mercy Peace.

Re: =>"mercy seatward"<= Chat

Exodus speaks of a mercy seat. Example Ex 25:17-22; But 'last' verse of six (verse 22) has two I will(s), first one meeting you "above the ark" at mercy seat between the Cheribums having aface off, second one communing with you "from above the mercy seat"(perhaps from where there's no sides to take, nor 'twain' cover ups).

In looking closer at =>"mercy seatward"<= in Ex 37:9, I find suchmercy seat (above the ark, containing law things) is completelyCOVERED by BOTH Cheribums facing each other, the one on this sidefully covering it, the one on that side also fully covering it.In other places, such as the temple built by Solomon, it is alsonotes the wings of each Cheribum touch the opposite wall, and alsotouch each other in the midst; thereby 'twice overshadowing' mercy.

Hence there are 'two cover ups' to uncover to have mercy from theseat above the ark containing things of law. For if we remove onlyone of such cover ups, it still does not uncover mercy seated there,which is 'completely overshadowed by both Cheribums'.Hence in the sides war, 'even those on the right side still die' (asis noted: death reigned upon all, even on those who did not sin: Rom5:14)... the further dilemna of Rom 5:14b being Moses is the figure(mark of a blow) of him that was to come (very allegoric verse); Butthen further clarified "not as the offense", for by such (adblemindead one as Moses) "many died" (rather than none perish). Sothen it speaks of JC of Moses/JC in Jn 1:17, by which came grace andtruth instead of law and lie. Paul seems to always further clarify.So to have true mercy, mercy which is merciful (to all, sinceTHERE IS NO RESPECT OF PERSONS WITH GOD), we have to uncover bothsides, both cover ups of such a sides war, since both Cheribums areovershadowing mercy.

Hence law vs grace is still not merciful even if grace is considered right, since it still gives place to law (left),which is not the sort of grace that God "is" (that God is light, andin him there is no darkness at all), nor the sort of love God "is",which is "perfect" (Mt 5:48), which is also "merciful" (Lk 6:36).Merciful is uncovering both sides, to reveal divison is not unity.

When looking at the sides war, it usually speaks of the "Son of man",who is not only division-all in Mt 25, dividing sheep and goats rightand left, saying different things to each side like come and depart;But also revealed in Luke 17 is "when the Son of man is revealed(uncovered)", then it's DESTRUCTION for them all (all them vs them;right vs left) as noted in Lk 17: 27,29,30, NOT salvation for all.

So them looking for "like unto the Son of man" to return and savethem, well I'd suggest them all think again, and rise above the sideswar in (plural) heavens (higher than the earth) to heaven (higherthan the heavens) where there are no sides to even take. For therein"heaven" (where Christ notably appeared in the presence of Godfor "us"), the "God of all grace" is eternally enthroned on a "throneof grace" where only "mercy" is obtainable (Heb 4:16). Such ismerciful (perfect). Hence the exhortation of Heb 6:1 is to "leave"the (left/right) "principles" (both sides of such a sides war) and goon unto "perfection" => "Grace with you all. Amen." (Heb 13:25).

This concept would also apply to the "judment seat of Christ", whichnotably speaks of reward or punishment for those "good or bad";Whereas above such a Mosaic seat (Mt 23:1) there's no bad, only good.God saw (only) "good" x 6 from the get go of the shew in Gen 1. Fromday one there was "light" (not lights, nor light + darkness), just asGod said: let there be light. Hence we have resurrection on the firstof the week, not on the last of the week, so the whole week goes wellwith you all. But if the ascension be only the first of twain, toplural heavens, even to the right side of such, then Mondays arestill hell, Fridays are TGIF, mainly to blow off such a hellish workweek, then rest, and do it again. Such a merry go round seems to beendless, makes a person sick unto death if ridden it too long. Manysay they'll ride it only until retirement, but oft retire in a grave.

So, perhaps the rest of the biblical story is simply a shew, to shewthe only Potentate in his (plural) times, playing out both sides nowof such (with a plural or division-all God in the midst of such);Perhaps for all to see that even this God cannot be one by division;nor merciful by taking only one side of such sides.

Hence we findboth "finished" and "ended" in Gen 2, both meaning the same thing.Yet "finished" notably first, for them (the host of them) and theirplural heavens, and it takes place 'after the sixth day and prior tothe seventh day'. What follows, 'on the seventh day' (which is alsothe third day) is God ended blessed and sanctified, then God rested.Such seems to speak of a plural God in the midst of sides ending, andof blessed being the second and better sort of twain in Rom 4:7,8(from Ps 32:1,2), and of sanctified being a total house cleaning, notjust cleaning the more public outer court of such a cup of wrath.

Let us rise above the sides war, for it is now the third day,and Jesus Christ said God said (unto that Herodian fox): Behold1)this (I cast out devils),2)that (I do cures to day and to morrow),3)AND "the third [day] I shall be perfected".Of "three things" in 1Cor 13:13, "charity" is notably the "greatest"of such great greater greatest things;

Yet perhaps the "perfection"of charity (or the clarity of charity) is also given us in themystery of his will being made known unto us, as if being "charityout of a pure heart"; which is notably also the first part of "theend" of the (singular) commandment having both beginning and end:Love(God) one another, "as I have loved(Goded) you".Go figure: a singular (new) commandment, having both beginning andend, "the end" thereof, such twain, also notably being three things:
1) "charity out of pure heart" (wisdom from above firstly pure)
2) "a good conscience" (no bad conscience at all)
3) "faith unfeigned" (without hypocrisy)

And the "you all" in the end notably begins with "you".
(And what I say unto "you" I say unto "all": Mk 13:37)

The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.
Daniel Miles

Friday, February 25, 2005

Easter Sermon 2005

Easter Message: Three Wishes: Grace Mercy Peace.

The message is more important than the messenger. To those hung up on the cross, dead and living sacrifices thereof, be it known the will of God that Jesus Christ is come to do ("Lo, I come to do thy will O God", "thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven", "not my will but thine be done") and did before the cross ("I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do": John 17) is thrice made known by David: Psalm 40:7; Hosea and Jesus Christ: "I will have mercy, and not sacrifice": Hosea 6:6; Matthew 9:13. And the "mystery" of his will is "made known" unto "us" by "his witness unto all men": Ephesians 1:9.

Seek and ye shall find the name of Jesus Christ is more important than Jesus Christ.Go figure (in Hebrews 10) what(?) meaneth "I will have mercy, and not sacrifice" reveals it meaneth I will have grace, and not law; For sacrifice, which is "of the law", never gave the only true God (of false/true Gods) any pleasure at all. Furthermore the "not sacrifice" (not law) part of what God will have and not have is not then, not now, not ever, since God never changes. Law and grace (sacrifice and mercy) cannot coexist in peace, and what His Grace: the King eternal and immortal, will have is peace (rest), by abolition of the law to the point law vanishes. It is written what's "ready to vanish": Heb 8:13 (because it's now so old, and evidently faulty) "shall vanish": 1Cor 13:8. "Your covenant with death (law) shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell (law<=law)shall not stand". Selah Americah, John-Paul II, and GWB II.

The message: "that God is light, and in him there is no darkness at all".Be it known there is no law at all in "the God of all grace". Be it known that God did not send his Son until the fulness of the time (expiry date for law) had come, and sent his Son with grace and truth: grace for salvation and truth about the law for awareness, understanding, and enlgightenment of all. Be it known God did not send his Son to condemn (law) the world, nor to destroy (law), but to fulfill (grace). Be it known Jesus Christ neither obeyed nor disobeyed any law at all, but did and said all by grace. Be it known Jesus Christ did not accuse (law) anyone, but rather revealed Mosaic law as accuser of the brethren.

The message clarified: "that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself".Be it known the work that God gave Jesus => Christ to do was finished before the cross. Be it known the temple was cleansed before the crucifixion. Be it known bread and wine were also substituted for lamb and blood (sacrifice) at the last supper, which was not the passover meal. Be it known the fig tree was cursed to the roots and the roots withered before the triumphal entry into Jesusalem on Palm Sunday. Be it known pure religion didn't pay a ransom, but did pay a "visit" to those "afflicted" with a bad case of grace + law = life + death = a dead end. Be it known pure religion arrived undefiled and remained unspotted: James 1:27. Be it known God will have all men saved and all men aware what they are saved from: law (sin and death).

The message further clarified: that God in Christ did not impute sin, not even to them.Only law defines anything as sin, anyone as sinner. Only law imputes sin: Romans 4:15; 5:13. Only law was the strength of sin (the strong man to first bind in order to spoil the house of sin) witch also had a "sting" of death: 1Corinthians 15:56, and to all, even those who did not sin: Romans 5:14. And to use law to impute sin made sinners all, none righteous, no, not one (God is one). Hence the only wise God (of foolish/wise Gods) did not impute sin, not even to them (Adam), the (faulty) created of created/made things; created imperfect and made perfect after, in such a before/after shew purposed to shew the only Potentate "in his (plural) times".

The message clarified even further: the shew was written aforetime for our learning.Since it is preposterous order to teach first and learn after, both sides of the shew written "aforetime" and "for our learning": Romans 15:4 are played out as both sides now for all to see even God cannot be one by division, and that God is one, of us, with us, for us, hath given us the victory through Jesus => Christ: the end of the law, hath not appointed us unto wrath (law worketh wrath: Romans 4:15), and the Lord is longsuffering unto us-ward (fwd of bwd/fwd law/grace), and there is no "them" in "us-ward" at all (since them folk "oppose themselves"); Which evidently meaneth that God hath not appointed us (of them/us) unto law.

The shew is purposed to reveal unto all there's no safety in merciless law.The big WAVE "we all are one" recently had from LAW worketh wrath (Romans 4;15) is simply 1Thessalonians 5:3 being revealed: when the "Son of man" is "revealed" then it's destruction (not salvation) for "them all": Luke 17:27,29,30; Which is notably "also" followed by 1Thessalonians 5:9 for comparison of law vs grace ("also" merciful: Luke 6:36) in the allegoric form of them vs us (Adam vs Christ: earthy soulish Lord vs heavenly spiritual Lord); For "as in Adam (in "them": Genesis 5:2) all die". So it is written: "if we thus judge one died for all, then were all dead". Such (all dead: extinction) is what God will not have, not then, not now, not ever. For such speaks of the extinction of all, not of the (eternal) salvation of all.

The message clarified even futher: fence sitting time is over. It's decision time!Oxymoronic twain doesn't sit well with either Son of man or Son of God; Not with either law or grace. Law doesn't like lukewarmness (halfheartedness) any more than His Grace does. So the ultimatum (from both law and from grace) is decide! Also get zealous about your choice, because the final shewdown has already begun and oxymoronic indifference will not be tolerated. Law will knock you off your Humpty Dumpty wall and stomp you into the grave for lack of zeal. Grace will also shake you till what remaineth cannot be shaken. Either way fence sitting time is over. For it's now the "third day", time to play the game of life or death for real.

Third day: he (I will be perfected) will raise "us" up, and we shall "live" in his sight.The question of who "us" is seems to be clarified as those who "live" by the prophet Hosea. Yet well into the third day(light), we still find many getting duped by a liar saying: you're either with us, or against us; When the script-u-are saith if God be with us, who can be against us. Only law is "against" us: Colossians 2:14, and such was nailed to the cross as enmity, abolished once and for all; So to say "rule of law" is an "us" thing is a flat out lie(law). Let God be true and every man a liar. The third day (beyond 2,000) is well under way, and things are getting interesting. We've got 1Thes 5:3 photographed: photos of the big WAVE from LAW. I'd recommend "them all" still saying Peace & Safety (Grace & Law), safety in Law, "rule of law" worldwide, look at the 8 photos of the tsunami WAVE from LAW, courtesy of the Knills family via CBC news. See for yourself there's no safety in law, "no escape" in 1Thes 5:3. And saying we're now safer, but not yet safe, is the bwd safe<=safer (law<=law) of Revelation 13 where the second beast of twain gives place and power to the first beast of twain. Utter folly!

Clarity: wisdom from above (Grace from God our Father) is first pure, then peace-ableHowever, looking at the other wise of two wisdoms, the first pure wisdom from above (Grace unto you... from God our Father), there is an escape for all (not for some, since "there is no respect of persons with God"), and it's noted as being for us all of two alls: them all and us all. Paul talks of how(?) shall we escape in Heb 2, and it's not a fly by night rapture theory of them vs them ("oppose themselves"); For the division-all Son of man has a surprise ending for "them all" in Lk 17:27,29,30 (both sheep & goats of Mt 25) who look for such like to return; get sow law<=law they willingly compromise with law, not knowing law also hates lukewarmness and eventually even turns on and destroys the horse it rode in on (Revelation 6).

Clarity: great tribulation was not since the beginning to this time, no, nor ever shall be. Rapture folk (who also dwell on imputing sin for the hell of it and great tribulation thereof) should be aware (by now) we all are one had two ends to the last millennium (not just the past millennium), of which Gutenberg was the man of the millennium for inventing the printing press to publish the Bible. And the false end of such twain (false/true ends) was called Y2K (which is to allegorically say why two Gods and two ends). And such like (from such turn away) had a countdown of 31/2 years (June 1996 - Dec 1999). So, since it's now 2005 AD, well beyond a seven year tribulation beginning 1996, and having an (false) end in 1999, it seems PLAINLY evident all rapture theory folk (pre, mid, and post tribbers) have all missed it, their rapture of some right, and also their some left (behind). Selah Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye.

Clarity: "there is no respect of persons with God", neither with law nor grace God. How silly, if "there is no respect of persons with God", to even think of a rapture for some only... to even think such if JC said he'd not accept 99/100, but only 100/100. For he said I have lost none of them his God Father gave him (Jn 18:19) and notably before the cross in Jn 19. It simply goes 'against' the Holy Bible for such law law folk to have such childish theories. Nevertheless the "vanish" prophecy in Heb 8:13 and 1Cor 13:8 shall occur as written. It's just a matter of time. Law, which is sow old it's "ready to vanish", and "shall vanish". Yet until such beastial law (which was, and is not, yet is) is finally told to go jump in the (dead) sea by all, such law<=law will have a hayday of "fear hath torment" with them who put their trust in either law of twain in Rom 8:2. For even the second and better of such laws is notably in "Christ Jesus", the reverse of "Jesus Christ", and the grace and truth of Jesus Christ is the only foundation we should build on, but not add any law at all. For such would be as adding death to life, making life + death = a dead end for all. How(?) shall we escape? Perhaps it is written:

The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Daniel Miles

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Good Old Days Are Behind, Best Yet To Come

Three Wishes: Grace Mercy Peace.

Many, deceived by many, say they'd like to see the good old days, which are behind of bwd/fwd things. And going bwd is not biblically wise, for even looking back is not exhorted, except to dare to compare law/grace.

Of good better best, we have long ago gone from good to better, as the world went from <=BC to AD=>. And of good <=better=> best, good (old law) is bwd, whereas the best (grace) is yet to come of three things.

So let us all discern which is witch of twain things: law/grace, then move on the what's best for all of three things. Hebrews 6:1 exhorts us to leave the (plural) "principles" in order to go on unto perfection: Grace with you all.

Looking back, turning back (like we are now safer, but not yet safe, of safe safer safest) is bwd thinking, perhaps even law<=law, which would only make things "worse" (Mt 12:45; Mt 23:15; 2Pet 2:20; Rev 13) instead of better, and take us all in the WRONG direction of them-ward <= BC/AD => us-ward. The Lord is l-o-n-g-suffering to us-ward, and there is an ever increasing cry for just us; fwd directionChrist constraineth us to go.

Lots' wife looked back. John in Revelation turned back. And what followed was destructive, not peaceful.

Our head may look from side to side, but in general looks fwd, never bwd. What's behind is a bummer, dung.

Rather than looking back at gasoline being cheaper, let us look ahead to it being free for all.

In a grace walk, from Mt Sinai to Mt Sion, the objective is to be decisive and never look back, for the only think behind you is law and law<=law crap crying with a loud (great, megav) voice, as of a trumpet; and such law is a ministration of condemnation and death to all. So just keep on walking fwd, the best to come is just ahead. And remember the grace is through the shadow(law) of the valley of death, but it's only a shadow, a phantom menace.

What's real, and also sufficient, is grace, pure grace void of law, which is perfect love void of fear, which is eternal life void of death and everlasting peace void of war.

The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Daniel Miles

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Graphic Look Ahead

Three Wishes (to brethren all): Grace Mercy Peace.






(9/11)=>(Sudan)=>(IRAQ)=>(WAVE)=> ? => ?? => ???

Anyone with eyes can SEE the death toll by violence, war, natural disaster, and dis-ease (in diverse places) is not only just rising, but it's also rising exponentially

* killed in 9/11: over 3,000
* killed in Iraq: over 100,000
* killed in Wave: over 200,000
* killed in Sudan: over 400,000

"More of the same" ("there shall be sacrifice" and "rule of law" by 'pre-emptive' war spawned by 'lies') does not speak of Jesus Christ = "the same", but of same OLD thing (Mosaic law) which has been killing all since Adam, in whom ALL die, and it's getting exponentially WORSE since 2,000 AD (the third day) because sow many perceive Son of man is Christ, and thanks to folk like John Paul II who said in 1999 "the long tradition of SACRIFICE must continue in the third millennium" and folk like George Bush II who said after 9/11/2001 "there shall be SACRIFICE" which is as law<=law as saying safe<=safer in 2004 instead of going on unto what's safest (perfection) by leaving such law law "principles", rising above such a silly sides war

news reports now say:
- media death toll is RISING
- Piracy death toll is RISING
- Iraq death toll is still RISING
- Phillipines death toll is RISING
- Tsunami death toll is still RISING
- Dam death toll in Pakistan is RISING
- Single day US troop death toll RISING

What then to expect in 05? 06? 07?
Even more 'exponential' death toll.
Unless "we all are one" chanGe it!
(by letting law be dead testator of NT)

The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Daniel Miles

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

God is not both giver + taker of life

Three Wishes: Grace Mercy Peace.

One of the biggest lies ever told and believed is that God is both giver + taker of life, which is allegorically both grace + law, which is as life + death = a dead end, something God will not have, not then, not now, not ever.

Such give + take (grace + law) is oxymoronic absurdity, which would result in extinction, not salvation of all.

God, "the God of all grace" (no law at all), is the giver of life to all, no under-taker. That God (that God is light, and in him there is no darkness at all) sent His Son (as pure religion) to pay a visit (not a ransom) to all those afflicted with such a bad case of life + death (grace + law). He told us to tell this mountain (Mt Sinai = law) to go jump in the sea (Dead Sea). It's time we all did that, for law a ministration of death: 2Cor 3:7; both source of sin: Rom 5:13 and strength of sin: 1Cor 15:56, which has a deadly sting: Jam 1:15 to all: Rom 5:14; 1Cor 15:22.

In such things are an "allegory" (Gal 4) written "aforetime" for "our learning" (Rom 15:4), the script-u-are of plural and contary scriptures saith: Cast out the bondwoman and her son (cast out law and result of law: sin & death).

The will of God is "I will have mercy (grace), and not sacrifice (law)": Ps 40:7; Hos 6:6; Mt 9:13; Heb 10; For sacrifice, which is "of the law", never ever pleased God, for law is imperfect, faulty, and a minstration of death.

Our Father: thy will be done, on earth.
Lo, I come to do thy will O God.

Thy will? Mercy, not sacrifice!
Life, not death!
Grace, not law!
Love, not fear!
Joy, not torment!
Wisdom, not fool-ishness!
Understanding, not blind faith!

Let us all take off the religious blinders and see all sacrifice (code of death) is martyr-DUMB, and ransom paying only gives place to extortion rather than exhortation, and troll tolls of religious leaders is extortion. For we reckon if one died for all, then were all dead (which speaks of extinction, not of salvation). It's a mystery to solve, and an allegory with a moral: "grace is sufficient" (no law req'd).

The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Daniel Miles

Monday, February 07, 2005

From Such Turn Away (2Timothy 3:5)

Three Wishes: Grace Mercy Peace.

Grace unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. The exhortation ending the 2Timothy 3:1-5 allegoric moral is "from such turn away". To see what "such" is, let's look at the verses, then discuss the biblical moral thereof such exhortation, using a modern movie (Merlin) to demonstrate the biblical exhortation moralized:
1Tim 3:1-5 (Holy Bible; Authorized KJV)
"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away".
The "last days", as noted in Hebrews 1, are simply AD days, in comparison to BC days which are called "time past". And for nearly 2,000 yrs already, such have been globally accounted as opposite: <=BC/AD=>. Two of such days have passed, and beyond 2,000AD is biblically noted as the "third day" in Hosea 6:2, which is also the seventh day in John 1 and 2:1 when counting the days therein. And in Revelation, which takes place on the Sabbath (noted by seven benedictions [blessed is...] therein, which only occurred on the Sabbath), we also find a Sabbaths shewdown on such third day: day of the LORD vs day of God (as also noted in 2Peter 3).
What's noted about last days is "men"(plural) shall have a form of godliness, but deny the power(gospel: Rom 1:16) thereof, namely Christ: "the end of the law". And since such things are notably an "allegory"(Gal 4:24), what we are to turn away from is the law, of such grace(is) + law(added).
The best movie example I know of which depicts this biblical moral and exhortation is the 1998 TV Movie: Merlin, starring Sam Neill, Miranda Richardson, Helena Bonham Carter, John Gielgud, Rutger Hauer; written by David Stevens, Peter Barnes; directed by Steve Barron. In such a movie the real magic is at the end, where they all as one simply "from such turn away". For it is notable Merlin always fails in his fights (warfare) with evil Mab, who unknowingly uses his own strength against him to prevail (for law not only source of sin: Rom 5:13, but "strength of sin": 1Cor 15:56; allegoric "strong man" JC said first bind in order to spoil the hse of sin: Mt 12:29). But when they all turn away from such evil (law), give it no place, not even acknowledgment, it simply vanishes, which is also biblical, as noted in Hebrews 8:13 (it's ready to vanish) and in 1Corinthians 13:8 (it shall vanish).
So, when "we all are one" simply turn away from law, stop giving such faulty accuser of the brethren any place, both law and the result of the law: sin & death, will simply vanish, having only been a counter part in a shew, the childish part to put away: 1Cor 13:11 to be "man" kind, the one new man kind JC became in Eph 2, where it notes he did so by abolishing the law, blotting out the ordinances (of law) against us: Col 2:14. Paul also clarifies every Mosaic law written in stone and in ink is to be "done away" (1Cor 13; 2Cor 3; Heb 10:9; etc).
As Paul notes in Galatians 4, where he notes such things are an allegory (with a moral), the script-u-are saith: Cast out the bondwoman (this Agar = Mt Sinai = law) and her son (result of law: sin & death). Many try to cast out sin without casting out the source and strength of sin: law, giving place to sin consciousness not purged (Heb 10), which gives place to a potential latter state being "worse": Mt 12:45; Mt 23:15; 2Pet 2:20 instead of better.
We've all seen the big WAVE from LAW (worketh wrath) in S.E. Asia, which makes it fairly evident "we all are one" have become so law<=law it's like a second beast giving place to a first beast in Revelation 13; and we've all seen just how merciless such "law worketh wrath" can be; Not to mention it's been the 'age of grace' now for nearly 2,000 yrs, and "God hath not appointed us (of them/us) to wrath": 1Thessalonians 5:9, which is allegoric for God hath not appointed us to law(worketh wrath). Gentiles were never given the law, and Jews have not even been under the law since it got nailed as "enmity" and "abolished" by Jesus Christ.
So, let us all "from such turn away", as being the 'real' magic in the Bible is also at the end, which "last trump" it played by "his angel" (Paul) has no mention of law at all, and by such pure grace poof goes the dragon:
The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Daniel Miles