Friday, December 30, 2005


Dear Brethren All,

Grace unto you, and peace,
From God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

JEHOVAH is the OLD Testament name given to one of the two LORDS allegorically depicted in the Holy Bible containing Old and New Testaments. Jehovah occurs seven times in the Holy Bible, all seven in the Old Testament, three times as a compound name:
(i) Jehovah-jireh
(ii) Jehovah-nissi
(iii) Jehovah-shalom

The interesting thing about which things are an “allegory” (Galatians 4:24), written “aforetime” for our “learning” (Romans 15:4), and as a triple “mystery” (Colossians 2:2), to solve “in time” (Heb 4) lest all perish by law instead of none perish by grace, is reference to Jehovah comes with the clarity such covenant maker is an “also” LORD, as law was “added” to “my grace is sufficient”, by Moses (“the law was given by Moses”); And as Son of man is “also” Lord of the Sabbath, till the Sabbath is “sanctified” by God.

An even more interesting thing about biblical reference to Jehovah is that such a covenant maker is also a covenant breaker and a liar. For in Exodus 6, Jehovah promised to unburden the Jewish people from Egyptian bondage and give them the promised land for an heritage. But when doing the accounting in Numbers we find that none of the originals saved out of Egypt got to enter the promised land; Not even Moses, who got high enough to see it, but did not enter. Moses is later found in the hall of shame of Hebrews 11, which clarifies “these all” both “died” and “received not the promise”. Jude 5 reminds us grace(is sufficient) + law(added) is allegorically saved(by grace) + destroyed(by law).

Note: One of two immutable things is: “God cannot lie” (Allegory: Grace cannot law). The other, of two immutable things, is: “God cannot die” (Allegory: Grace cannot law).

So it reasons “Jehovah” is not the name of “God”, not “that God” of this/that Gods, nor “the only true God” of false/true Gods, nor “the only wise God” of foolish/wise Gods, nor “the living God” of dead/living Gods, nor “the blessed and only Potentate”, nor “the God of all grace” who “is”: “perfect(love)” and also “merciful”. For we find, by biblical see-king, Jehovah is not perfect or merciful; Rather imperfect and merciless. That is why “the end”, that is already written by Paul, makes no mention of law: sin and death.

The “grace” of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Daniel Miles: Founder of www.GodShew.Org
www leader for “global reconciliation”… unto “that God” of this/that Gods,
“the only true God” of false/true Gods, “the only wise God” of foolish/wise Gods,
“the living God” of dead/living Gods, “the God of all grace”(is evidently no law at all)

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Sabbath(s) Shewdown

Three Wishes: Grace Mercy Peace.

Revelation notably takes place on the Sabbath, evident from the seven benedictions therein, which occured only on the Sabbath (7th day); whereas on the other six days of the week 18 benedictions were spoken by priest within and people without the temple. Yet these seven benedictions on the seventh day of the week are law benedictions, the sort whereby some get "blessed" by reading or hearing of torment & demise of other brethren.

And what takes place in Revelation is a worst case scenario to a void, rather than best case scenario to embrace. So, essentially what we have is a Sabbath(s) Shewdown, a seventh days shewdown, till only one of twain days, lights, Gods, is winner take all, till only one of two last days is realized by all as what's best for all:
(i) the day of the LORD, namely JEHOVAH, who is merciless... comes as a thief, in the night(ignorance)
(ii) the day of God, namely His Grace, who is merciful... the eternal seventh day(light) of God: understanding

So we still have two revelations (uncoverings) to consider, the second being the only God given one:
(i) The Revelation of St John... draws back to perdition(law)
(ii) The Revelation of Jesus Christ... God given grace & truth

Allegorically it's Law vs Grace, Sacrifice vs Mercy, Division vs Peace.
And since law is biblically a "ministration of death", it's as Death or Life.
And if there is no repsect of persons with God, it's Death or Life to you all.

Thank God the end of the God Shew, shewdown thereof, is already written:

The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Daniel Miles
www leader for 'shewdown'

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Words: Can they harm anyone?

Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Some say sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

But the Holy Bible says words can be defiling, to the point of the justification or the condemnation of yourself:
- Matthew 15:11 Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.
- Matthew 12:37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

Speaking Moses' Law (worketh wrath) - is as speaking (imputing) sin (condemnation) and "death" unto all.
Speaking God's Grace (is sufficient for thee) - is as speaking (imputing) righteousness and "life" unto all.

The Holy Bible also notes, in James, the tongue is like a weapon of mass destruction, if it's not grace us.

So, let us tame our tongues, speak only grace us things, by submitting our tongues to God (His Grace).

The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Daniel Miles

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Test (Trying) of Your Faith

Three Wishes: Grace => Mercy => Peace = White.
(Pst - it takes all 3/3 of "above" to make 1.000 = White)

James chp 1 in the Holy Bible seems to leave no doubt there will be a "trying" (test) of your faith; Especially if your faith(trust) is in the law, which is "not of faith" (Galatians 3); and whatsoever is not of faith is sin (Romans 14); and without faith it is not possible to please God (His Grace), Who was never pleased with sacrifices for sin, which are "of the law" (Psalms 40; 51; Hebrews 10). So let us put our faith (trust) in His Grace and the truth thereof. For the law (and lie) was given by Moses, but grace and truth from God came by Jesus Christ.

As James also notes, the result will be falling, into divers temptations. So James also notes
temptation is neither Godly nor of God: God can neither be tempted nor tempteth anyone. The point being made is there are two sorts of faith, faith in law, and faith in grace; the former being as blind faith (since law demands blind obedience, and speaking against it is unpardonable), the latter being as seeing faith. Just prior to James we have Paul's epistle to the Hebrews, which speaks of faith then/now, and "now faith" is substance and evidence, which is notably some better thing God provided for us of them/us than blind faith in law.

Paul gave the Corinthians a CJ vs JC test, which they failed. So he warned them to stop bickering amongst themselves and start giving more earnest heed to what's been said in the allegoric scriptures that are written aforetime for our learning, and as a mystery to solve it time (since there is neither mystery nor time for it in eternity), even a triple mystery: "of God, and of the Father, and of Christ" in Colossians 2. In his writings Paul, as a faithful steward of the mysteries of God, uses both CJ and JC, but clarifies he is an apostle of JC, and also clarifies JC is the Saviour (the reverse would be Destroyer), and ends every epistle except Hebrews (a mini bible itself) with the grace of our Lord JC with you all. Amen. Even so, Hebrews ends with Grace with you all. Amen.

"Holiness with sobriety" is also a testing, to see if once converted to saving grace you'll stick with it, and never again take another drink of deadly law, such as "
another law" Paul mentions in Romans 7 worketh evil concupiscence and made him (Saul=>Paul) feel "wretched" when he did things he would not and did not do things he would do. The point being heaven does not want any cancer-us law cell entering such a heavenly body as Christ: the end of the law; for we all know it can and will kill the whole body, including the head of the body, if not completely removed in time. Not to mention a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. So, heaven wants to know for certain you are truly free of cancer-us law, by know the truth about the law: it's faulty, unfair, fault-finding, sin and death imputing, a liar, thief, accuser of the brethren, a ministration of condemnation & death.

So, there will be a test, and perhaps Revelation is not only a worse case scenario to a void (by voiding law), but also allegorically written as a
final exam of the Holy Bible with all previous books written as pre-requisite. And perhaps the pass mark for the final exam is 100%, since "a little leaven (law) leaveneth (killeth) the whole lump".

Even so,
the end is already written, and it notably has no mention at all of law: sin and death to any, rather only mention that the (saving and life giving) "grace" of our Lord "Jesus Christ" is with you all (against none of you).

So then it's not a matter of how the God Shew turns out, but rather a matter of how well you play y(our) part in such a God
shew, shewdown thereof, of such law vs grace, also biblically called "their part" vs "your part":

- "their part": God is evil(law) spoken of... to obtain a prize, a corruptible crown: law (played by "many")
- "your part": God is (grace)glory-fied... to obtain a prize, an incorruptible crown: grace (played by "few")

For a "few" good(God) men should be able to withstand many to the face, make them ashamed, by using sound speech that cannot be condemned(lawed) nor
evil(law) spoken of, and without making yourself ashamed. The way to do it, is to use the Pauline Epistle format: open and close your discussion with pure grace, and remember we are brethren all, even if some are ignorant, deceived, bewitched, fallen from grace, taken in a fault.

Perhaps all the KoG is within you, all who've failed, died, received not the promise (eternal life) are within you, life or death of all such depends on you passing the test, especially standing before the
Son of man, who'd come, again, to destroy them all, again (Lk 17). Simply say Nay, Nay to such Law Law.

May you play your part well, pass all tests, by
flush law rather than fight law; for law is not only the source of sin (Rom 5:13) and death to all (Rom 5:14), but the "strength of sin" ("strong man" of the hse of sin to first bind to spoil the hse of sin and death sting thereof), a deadly "sting". Remember all the KofG within you is counting on you to get them all safely home to heaven where it's always grace us, and never legalistic.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
with you all. Amen.

Daniel Miles
www leader for
charity never fails (a test)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

If war: armour up; If peace: no armour req'd

Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Funny thing, about the writings of Paul The Apostle, is many still focus on the "warfare" and "fight" aspect thereof, on putting on the whole "armour" of God (allegorically JC). Even USA soldiers told leaders they needed more 'armour' plating on their gas gusling humvies, to 'quench' all the terror-ist bullets. Pst: mosaic law was a "great terror" to all Israel, which makes Moses a great terror-ist by his own admission (Dt 34:12).

Where people find 'law' or 'war' unto you from God or from the Lord Jesus Christ in Pauline epistles, which notably all begin with "grace" unto you from God and (thereby) "peace" unto you from Jesus Christ (grace and peace from "our Father" and "the Lord"), befuddles me. The "contrary part" is law & war. Law "worketh wrath", and war worketh "sacrifice"(slaughter). And by such earthy sensual devilish wisdom all suffer and many perish. But "wisdom from above" (grace unto you from God our Father) is "firstly pure": perhaps pure "grace".

Hello! ... is anyone there, or am I speaking into a vacuum?

What few focus on, about the writings of Paul The Apostle, is the fact "he is our peace" who hath "abolished the law". When focused on "peace", agreement with God, there is no need for any "armour" nor for any "mediator".

George W Bush: wants "sacrifice", "war", "rule of law", and he also wants the sacrifice(slaughter) to be globe-all.
John Lewis said: War does not end strife, it sows it. War does not end hatred, it feeds it. Those who say war is a necessary evil are half right, it's evil, but it's not necessary (which is to say my grace is sufficient = no law req'd).

Two parts are played in the allegoric Bible, each to obtain a prize: a crown of glory:
"Many" play "their part" - God is evil(law) spoken of... Law (corruptible crown of glory)
"Few" play "your part" - God is (grace)gloryfied... Grace (incorruptible crown of glory)
Pst - "(y(ou)r) part" to play notably begins with "you", ends with "our", as does "you all".

Broad Way (many take) - leadeth to "destruction"... by Law (via 'their' leader: Moses)
Narrow Way (few take) - leadeth unto "life" ... by Grace (via 'our' leader: Jesus Christ)

Rule of law? Obviously results in sacrifice: body bags.
Will of God? I will have mercy(grace), not sacrifice(law).

Bible Note: receiving the promise: eternal life, is notably via doing the will of God; thy will be done, on earth. All who put trust (belief, faith) in law 'perished'. They all got a good report, but DIED and "RECEIVED NOT" the promise. JC came to "do" the will of God, did it, received the promise.

God our Saviour uplifted Jesus Christ our Saviour to a place that is: "higher than the heavens" (notably above such left vs right warfare, such a sides war having side effects to both sides of such a blame game).

And "the end" of the God Shew is already written, so it's not a matter of how it turns out, but rather a matter of how well you play "your part", which is to make he on the "contrary part" ashamed, without shaming yourself. The Apostle Paul does it by opening and closing all epistles, his discussions to brethren all, with pure "grace".

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Daniel Miles
www leader for "go on unto perfection"

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Gospel of John... movie critique

Re: Gospel of John... movie critique

Three Wishes: Grace => Mercy => Peace.
1stly: Grace unto you... from God our Father
(1stly pure grace from God our Father = merciful)
Then it's: Peace unto you... from the Lord: JC

I watched a movie, on cable tv, called: Gospel of John.

It essentially played out, word for word, 1 of the 27 books in the New Testament called The Gospel According To John; But not from the Holy Bible, rather from modern perversions.

Beef 'and' Bouquet:

Beef (Shortcomings):
- it did not reveal two words are the subject of the writing
- it did not reveal of two words, one is the light of the world
- it did not reveal John's writing is a double "verily, verily"
- it did not well portray "Jesus" played two parts in John 5
- it substituted 'Holy Spirit' for "Holy Ghost"... four times
- it did not reveal two Comforters, of Comforter & Another C
- it did not reveal one of the two comforts is a 'false' comfort
- it did not reveal what's finished in Jn 17 is first finished of 2
- it did not reveal a true-lie is an oxy-moron with bad ending
- it did not include the singular "Amen" at the end.

Bouqet (for truth out):
- although the movie substituted 'Holy Spirit' for "Holy Ghost", especially in John's mention of one "Comforter" and "another Comforter", it did in it's own perverted way reveal that the "Spirit of truth" would "reprove" ('prove wrong') law folk about 3 things: (i) sin, (ii) righteousness, (iii) judgment.
- It would prove law folk wrong about sin, for law-imputed
sin brings forth a death sting to all.
- It would prove law folk wrong about righteousness, for
there is no righteousness in such lefteousness to obtain.
- It would prove law folk wrong about judgment, for "I am" is
not come to judge (law) the world, but to save (grace) it.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Daniel Miles
www leader for "the way a child should go"
- of <=them/us=>, a child should go "us-ward"=>
- of <=ye/you=>, a child should go "you-ward"=>
- of <=law/grace=>, a child should go "God-ward"=>
- of <=before/after=>, a child should go "after-ward"=>
- of child/man, way a child should go is: let us make man

Friday, December 16, 2005

Playing God vs Being as God Is

Dear Brethren All,

Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Many still ignorantly use the term 'playing God' in conjunction with deciding who lives and dies, or who goes to heaven and hell. But the Holy Bible evidentially teaches us "there is no respect of persons with God"; And to the point the biblical evidence makes it evident (obvious) that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God.

No partiality, none, neither with a law God ("was" merciless) nor with a grace God ("is" merciful), to all (not some only). For it wasn't some saved out of Egypt + destroyed after, but all (originals) saved + destroyed after by their grace + law. Numbers gives the accounting, and Jude the reminder, that His grace ("is sufficient") + law ("added") is as being both saved + destroyed (after), which is an oxyMORON with a BAD ending, as bad as life + death = a dead end. Selah.

By law ("the ministration of death") all die (not some only). By grace ("the ministration of the Spirit") all live. For "as in Adam all die"; "even so in Christ shall all live".

The difference of the life or the death of us all and them all is simply the difference between JC's grace to us all or Moses' law to them all. JC said God said: "either make the tree good or corrupt" (it's not grace + law, but grace or law); And the notable difference between grace or law being the "salvation" or "destruction" (perdition, extinction) of all. For by "the curse of the law" all are "accursed" if any fail to keep all the law all the time (unto 40 generations = 40,000 years).

Obviously attaining righteousness (getting it right) was a mission impossible by law; For all who tried to attain righteousness of the law failed to attain it (Rom 9:31), the obvious reason the law ("the enmity") got "abolished" (taken away) by His Grace. All law (written in stone and in ink) is notably not only to be "done away", but also to be "blotted out" by "the body of Christ", "the Christ" thereof (the head of said body of Christ), being notably defined as "the end of the law". Perfection, which we are exhorted to "go on unto", by going forward=> to "you-ward", "us-ward", "God-ward", is clarified as being Christ-like (the end of the law) to the max; For "the end" which is already written (so that none perish) has no mention of law (sin & death) at all, only grace. For by grace ye are saved, whereas by grace + law ye are saved + destroyed after. God did NOT send his Son that the world might be saved + destroyed, only "saved". And God will not only have all men saved, but also all men aware of what they are saved (delivered) from: law.

Salvation is biblically defined as being "delivered (saved) from the law (death)", as noted in Romans 7:6; Notably by pure grace ("by grace ye are saved") that's void of law, which is as if life that's void of death (salvation void of destruction).

Such is biblically called "eternal salvation" which is authored by Jesus being "made perfect" (Jesus becoming Christ), and the "eternal life" thereof said eternal salvation is God given victory (over death), notably "through Jesus => Christ"; Jesus notably being "born under the law" and Christ notably being "the end of the law", the former being "division, and not peace", the latter being "our peace" (and not division), which is to say "I will have mercy(grace), not sacrifice(law)", which is notably the will of God that JC came to do, and did.

The mixture of grace + law is an oxyMORON with a BAD ending: grace(life) + law(death) = DEAD END. Grace always "is" (eternal); Whereas law "was, but is not" (non eternal). Law was notably "added" to "grace is sufficient". Contrary to popular unbelief law was not given by God, but rather "the law was given by Moses" (Jn 1:17). In comparison and contrast "grace came by Jesus Christ". In allegoric fashion law and grace are contrasted as lie and truth.

The mixture of grace + law allegorically saved + destroyed, as noted in Jude 1:5, the end thereof being destruction, perdition, extinction of all involved in the folly of putting trust (faith, belief) in "law worketh wrath" for safety (salvation); Which is why the end of the Holy Bible containing Old and New Testaments (Law and Grace) has no mention at all of law at all, only of grace, since it is written he that endureth to the end (all grace and no law at all), the same (JC = "the same") shall be saved (only), not saved + destroyed after.

So, let us stop 'playing God' as if God had any partiality or as His Grace compromised with law; For His Grace does not have any partiality, nor does it compromise with law. Rather His Grace abolished the law so all may be saved from the deadly destruction of "law worketh wrath" and the dead end of sin imputing law a "ministration of death" to all. And let's start being as perfect and merciful as His Grace is, noting only "mercy" is obtainable at the "throne of grace", the will of God is "I will have mercy, and not sacrifice", and "the promise" (eternal life) is only by doing the will of God, which JC came (with grace and truth) to do (Heb 10), and did, even before the cross (Jn 17). For (law imputed) sin, when it is "finished", bringeth forth death (James 1), to all.

Let us take note "all" the old testament faith heroes listed in Heb 11 who put their trust in the law, both "died" and "received NOT the promise (eternal life)". For grace + law is as life + death = a dead end (perdition, extinction). Selah.

Let us also take note ("take heed", even "give more earnest heed" to what's been said) that "escape" is via "give more earnest heed" (Heb 2), whereas "no escape" is via saying "Peace & Safety" (Grace & Law), as noted in 1Thess 5:3, in "which things are an allegory" with a moral: "my grace is sufficient for thee" (no law at all required).

Let us therefore endure to the end having no mention of law, the end whereby all live happily ever after, after you all get it: understanding, understand "my grace is sufficient" meaneth no law at all is required, and God meaneth what he said. All who think other wise (earthy, sensual, devilish[law] wise) can bend over and dble kiss kiss their divided ass bye bye. For His Grace does NOT compromise NOR make deals with law(death). No such thing as plea bargaining in the Bible. All the lying, crying, and dying of 6B hasn't moved God one bit from His will to have mercy(grace), and not sacrifice(law). And all such crying and dying begins with lying(lawing). So let's stop the crying and dying, by stopping the lying(lawing).

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Daniel Miles